Friday, March 6, 2020

Standardized Test Taking Strategies That Will Help On The SAT or ACT

Standardized Test Taking Strategies That Will Help On The SAT or ACT Top Ten Strategies for Standardized Test Taking Doing your very best on an exam requires careful preparation, a positive outlook, and an understanding of highly effective standardized test taking strategies. Taking a standardized test is high stakes, but it doesn't need to be high pressure. These ten standardized test taking strategies will set you on the right path! Plan your preparation and allow plenty of time Cramming rarely works. The best way to excel on anystandardized test is to carefully plan your preparation while allowingplenty of time to study. The professional tutors at Huntington Learning Centers can help you identify which areas of the exam will require the most preparation. Using careful assessment practices they will identify both your strengths and your weaknesses while planning individualized tutoring sessions tailored to your specific needs. Prepare for the format Every standardized test is different. They each emphasize different skills, knowledge, and test formats. Understanding the specific format of the testyou are going to take is vital. Spend time researching the tested subject areas, the skills included in the assessment, and the time allowed foreach section. Understand what is allowed Each standardized test specifically outlines what isallowed in the exam and what is not. There are limitations on electronics,materials, and calculators. Make sure you know what you can and cannotbring into the test and leave all prohibited items at home. Don't let awayward cell phone ring jeopardize your exam performance. Get plenty of rest and fuel your body properly Your mind can't work to its maximum potential without proper rest and fuel. Make sure you are focusing on your physical health,as well as your cognitive preparation, leading up to test day. Get plenty of sleep and choose healthy meals high in protein and low in sugar. Know where you are going Don't wait until the last minute to find out where theexam is being held. Take a trial run to find your testing center and theroom you will be in. Allow plenty of time on the day of the test to accountfor traffic or unforeseen delays. Use your test booklet Put your test booklet to good use! You can underline,circle, cross out, draw diagrams, jot notes, and work problems in yourtest booklet. Make sure to avoid errant marks on the answer sheet to avoidconfusion with electronic scoring. Scan the exam Beforeyou answer any questions take a minute to scan the exam. Look for thetypes of questions asked, how many questions are in each subtest, and anypotential pitfalls. This will help you to pace yourself during the examand allow you to maximize the available time. Get active You don't have time for passive reading. Once you startanswering questions it is critical for you to read actively and interactwith the exam. Use context clues, critical vocabulary, and connections toother topics to help you answer questions. If you are unsure how to useactive reading strategies during a standardized test, the professionals atHuntington Learning Centers can help. Your personalized tutoring sessionswill help you gain the skills necessary to quickly and effectivelynavigate and understand the exam questions. Pace yourself Ifa question seems too difficult, or may require too much time, it is a goodidea to skip it and come back to it. Make sure to spend a majority of yourtime on questions that you are confident in your answers. If there is timeavailable you can go back and answer questions that you skipped. Use every available second If you finish before time is called you should return to the test booklet and review your answers. Take a second look at itemsthat posed a challenge and reread the questions for clarity. You shouldalso scan the answer sheet for errant marks or areas that need to beclearly erased.

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